Welcome to my EP1000 - Digital Fabraication Prototyping Fundamentals Website.

This website was created as a place to put my documentation for EP1000, an elective module from Singapore Polytechnic.
Do take a look at my work which can be located under the Assignments tab


Hi Hi, my name is Dolynn.
Nice to meet you
I’m a year 2 student currently studying in Singapore Polytechnic under the diploma of Visual Effect and Motion Graphics.

Why did I pick this elective module?
I picked this elective as I wanted to try something different and learn more prototyping as I wasn’t given a chance to 3D print things before, I find it interesting to see ideas come to life and become an actual product. That’s why I took this elective to find out more about prototyping.

Safety, FABLAB

We have to read through the safety issues in the lab and watch a video where we learn what and what not to do in the lab. After going through the videos and slides we when on our school page and took a test on safety.

From that I learn that
-We have to wear long pants when using the lab
- Girls with long hair has to tie their hair up
-We are to wear covered shoes at all times
-We are not to wear accessories when using the equipment in the lab
-We are not allowed to eat or drink in the lab
-Only work in the lab when supervise by either a lecturer or the technical support officer
-Do not use any machinery unless instructed by
-Report any unsafe issues


Prototyping with cardboards.
As our first assignment we were asked to do a cardboard model of one of the following items:

• Portable handphone holder that you can put in your backpack
• Earbuds keeper to stop the wires from tangling
• Headphone keeper, to keep your headphones at the side of your table

As such I choose to make a portable handphone holder out of cardboard.
Firstly, I had to sketch out my idea. I had many ideas in the beginning so I sketch everything out and choose a final design.
Which lead to an idea of having the handphone stand behind able to fold and turn into a normal handphone stand when using, when not it use it’s like a flat object which can be open and place in the bag to save space.
Secondly, I had to draw out the dimensions of the box and cut it out accordingly.
Finally, I pasted everything together.
For the bending part I had to use tape to tape it together to create a bending effect . In the end, the product worked well.

What I learn from prototyping :
-It was a fun hands on experience as I was able to turn my idea into a prototype and test it out.
- Dimensions are important and I have to draw it as accurately as possible.

Sketch Draft

Final Idea

Random Name

Hero Shot

Random Name

Website Development

HTML , Web development.
We were asked to watch a video by Jake Wright on HTML and CSS in under 12 minutes to learn the basic of making a webpage. From what I learn in the video CSS is a stylesheet for HTML it is commonly used to page a website page look more aesthetically pleasing and organised.

My first test website.
As I was using a MacBook, I didn’t have CSS and had to use my friend's computer to type out the CSS and HTML file in their TextEditor . I rearranged and change the colour of the original html and CSS that the Jake wright video taught .

HTML code

Random Name

CSS code

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Computer Aided Design

The class was asked to learn about Fusion 360 by going through the videos online.
Through the videos, I've learnt how to draw the basic shapes, extrude and add dimensions in my work. By attempting given assignments, I became familiar with the essentials of Fusion 360.

3D Model
After getting to know more about Fusion 360 we were tasked to draw out a name tag and a fidget spinner.

Name tag:
- The first thing I did was to sketch out the hole where the keyring was going through at the origin as to gauge where the rest of my name tag is going to be.
- I then added the base in and my letters in
- Lastly all I have left is to extrude my keychain

Fidget Spinner:
- I tried to draw a shuriken fidget spinner by drawing the first triangle at the origin
- I mirrored the triangle to all 3 sides and got myself a base of my fidget spinner
- Using the circle tool, I drew a circle in the center of the shuriken shape for the ball bearing to be
- Lastly, I drew 4 circles where the nut is going to be

Exercise 1

Random Name

Exercise 2

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Exercise 3

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Name Tag - Isometric View

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Name Tag - Front View

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Fidget Spinner

Random Name

3D Printing & Modelling

Chess Piece
We were asked to draw a knight piece to 3d print.
- Firstly, I had to draw a rectangle with the dimension of 35mm by 50 mm
- Next, I had to import an image into Fusion but adding a canvas and adjusting the size of the image to match the rectangle
- Next, I trace the outline of the horse by using the spine and line tool
- Then, I extrude the face of the horse first before preparing to draw the base.

The base was more complicated to do as I have to revolve it
- Firstly, I had to sketch out the half the shape of the base
- Next, I had to use the revolve tool, and revolve the base it will show up as a full base.
- Lastly, I had to join the 2 body together into 1.
That’s how I did my knight piece.

The Knight piece is an interesting model to do as I get to use different tools such as revolve and spline. The revolve was hard to control at first as I couldn’t tell which axis I had to use to revolve it correctly.
Overall it was an interesting exercise to do.

Laser Cutting
The class was asked to draw a box using parameter tool in Fusion.
We had to draw a box with finger for tight fitting, so we don’t have to use glue to stick it together.

Knight Chess Piece

Random Name

Lazer Cutting Exploded View

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Lazer Cutting Top View

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Laser cut box

Random Name
This are my files for the chess piece and the lazer cutting .


We were taught how to use Tinkrcad .
- Firstly, we need to have a account on tinkercad , in tinkercad there was a lot of different electronic we can use such as Breadboard and Arduino.
- Next, I had to pick out the electronics that i was going to use and place it in the workspace given by tinkercd.
- Next, I had to code the Arduino by going to code and click on text so I could type the code out instead.
- Then, all im left is to let it run and test the electronics to see if I made any error.

We were ask to design a few circuit for our assignment.
- The first circuit was a simple Led Circuit
- Next, we have a arduino control led circuit.
- Next, we have a Led flasher circuit with arduino and 555 timer.
This 555 timer circuit was more intereseting as we have to learn which pin was for what usage.
- Lastly, I had to design a circuit for my prototype. A moodlamp.
Overall it was an interesting exercise to do as I get to learn how to code and how the electronics works

The class was asked to create the circuits in tinker cad.
We had to create the circuit in tinkercad and test it out before doing a real circuit on our breadboard and arduino

Simple Led Circuit

Random Name

Simple Arduino Led Control

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Led Flasher with 555 timer

Random Name

Final Project

Lantern Prototype
This is my Final Project
My final project is a mood lamp design like a lantern.
- Firstly, I need to come up with a idea for the design. With the help from the website Instructables I manage to get a design out.
- Next, I had to draw out my design with some simple sketches for references. After sketching out my ideal design I procceed to draw the design out in fusion.
- Next, I had to find codes for my Arduino as I wanted my mood lamp to change colors. I wanted my circuit to have a LDR so that it the lamp will automatically light up when its dark and turns off when its bright.
- Next I had to test my codes by using Tinkercad , I added the electronics I needed and start simulation to see if my circuit works.
- Once I have test my circuit and codes in Tinkercad I procceed to test it out in real life with my arduino ..
- When my circuit was done I went to laser cut my parts out so I can assemble them. - After laser cutting my partsw out I went to 3d print a tube for my arduino . - Lastly, I assemble everything together .
Overall it was a challenging process as i had to use the 3d printer and lazer cutter to get my prototype out . I was given the chance to code on my own as well.

Bill of material
1 Resistor

For my prototype
I go with the idea of Traditional Lantern with a mood lamp setting as lights.
For my design I have to use the laser cutter to cut the outside design and 3d print a tube to hold my circuit on the inside.

Design Ideas

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Final Design Draft

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Coding for Arduino

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Testing in tinkercad

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Final Prototype

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Laser cutting

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Laser cutting

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3d printing

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I added some videos to demostrate my circuits

This is my design in fusion Lantern Design which i change later on .

This is my design for 3d printing A small tube

Thoughts after doing my prototype
The circuit was successful but it was to big to fit in my prototype , if possible i would like to reduce the size of the circuit and put it in the lantern .
Overalle everything was done on time just that if i was given more time i would like to readjust my circuit.

Final Presentation slides

Random Name
Final Video